iPhone Nano Concept Images, Specs & Features: The iPhone Nano seems to be back with a bang in the rumor mill and just will not die away. Remember how just a few days back the NYTimes reported that there will be no iPhone Nano / Mini in the making? While they are not the final authority on anything Apple, that might be closer to reality than all the speculation. But, when you have such a fun and retro-looking iPhone nano image on offer we, could not resist bringing it to you.

For starters, this somehow seems to be clad in gold. Gold glitz If not, then at least tries to look like it is clad in golden. Then there is a QWERTY keypad thrown in by the designer (Obviously because he feels the screen is too small and you would need sand papers ... Ah, nevermind, you get it. This 'sandpaper' joke is getting old already) This will be called The iPhone 4K-K for the keypad.
So, at least they are smart enough not to put "iPhone will this be 5?" on it!In short (pun intended), it would sport a 3.2-inch retina display (800 x 400 resolution) at 800MHz processor and a 5-MP camera. All that for $ 200, should give Android and WP7 a run for their money. We can not confirm yet on the iPhone Nano (But we are leaning towards it not happening), but we sure can confirm that Apple will never make a mobile that looks like this.