7 iDevice Rumors We Hope Come True This Year: The iPhone 5 and 2 are the iPad likely to be released this year. Unfortunately, we do not know what features they will be loaded with. That does not mean we can not remain hopeful (within reason, of course). We've put together a list of some of the things we'd like to see in the upcoming iDevices.Some of these are much more likely than others, but know that we stayed away from obvious territory like the iPad cameras 2nd Hit the jump to read on ...

This rumor originated from Bloomberg as a smaller model iPhone. That has since been reported as false. What remains, however, is the rumor that Apple is in fact trying to reduce the price of the handset. This is as they try to combat the sales of the emerging Android market, where many of the handsets Thurs sell for much less than Apple's iPhone. This can help Apple sell more phones in the Increasingly competitive smartphone market.

This rumor originated from Bloomberg as a smaller model iPhone. That has since been reported as false. What remains, however, is the rumor that Apple is in fact trying to reduce the price of the handset. This is as they try to combat the sales of the emerging Android market, where many of the handsets Thurs sell for much less than Apple's iPhone. This can help Apple sell more phones in the Increasingly competitive smartphone market.